Raw Lab Grown Diamonds

Raw Lab Grown Diamonds

Raw lab grown diamonds are growing in popularity as a kinder alternative to mined diamonds. While they are not for everyone, they can be a great option for those who want to choose responsibly sourced jewelry.

Unlike mined diamonds, they do not involve the use of fossil fuels and do not harm the environment. They are also significantly cheaper.


The cost of raw lab grown diamonds varies greatly depending on the gem’s carat weight, clarity and color. However, a high-quality stone typically costs between 50 and 75% less than a comparable natural diamond mined from the earth.

One reason that raw lab grown diamonds are cheaper than mined stones is that the mining process consumes a lot of energy. The two most prominent forms of energy that are used are electricity and hydrocarbons, which are a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions.

This makes a big difference to the environment, which is why many environmental groups have fought against the mining of diamonds from the earth. In addition, there’s also the environmental risk of water and chemical spills and waste that can impact local communities.

As a result, many people are now turning to lab-grown diamonds as an environmentally friendly alternative to mining. These man-made gems are created through a process that involves collecting carbon in solid form and then heating it into any desired shape.

In fact, the patented technology used to make these lab-grown gems has gotten so advanced that it can now produce diamonds at a much lower cost than natural mined diamonds. This has made them more accessible to consumers.

While it is possible to grow diamonds in the lab, there are still a number of environmental issues that need to be addressed. For example, if a lab diamond’s production isn’t done properly, it can end up leaving a similar or even worse carbon footprint than a natural stone.

Another concern is the depletion of the raw materials used to create these gems. This could mean that they won’t be around long enough to meet demand.

Fortunately, the growing process for lab-grown diamonds has become more environmentally-friendly with each new technological breakthrough. The technology has also become more affordable, making it possible for even a small business to grow a beautiful lab-grown diamond. These lab-grown gemstones are a great choice for anyone who is looking for a more environmentally-friendly option for an engagement ring. With a little research, you can find the perfect lab-grown diamond to match your budget and style.


The clarity of a diamond refers to the number, size, nature and position of inclusions. The fewer and smaller these imperfections are, the higher the diamond’s clarity grade. This is one of the main reasons why a higher clarity grade makes a diamond rarer, and therefore more valuable.

The most accurate way to determine the clarity of a raw lab grown diamond is by looking at it with a microscope. Experts will examine the diamond face up under 10x magnification to see if there are any surface blemishes, which can be difficult to spot with the naked eye.

In addition, a gem expert will look at the shape of the diamond and determine how visible any inclusions are. Some shapes, like Emerald and Asscher-shaped diamonds, require a higher clarity grade than others.

Moreover, the quality of any diamond is also influenced by its cut. Some shapes, such as emerald-shaped diamonds (also known as step cuts) are more likely to display surface blemishes than other shapes, which can make these diamonds more expensive.

For this reason, experts will consider a diamond’s size, nature and number of inclusions when determining its clarity grade. The larger and more numerous the inclusions, the lower its clarity grade will be.

However, it’s important to remember that not all inclusions are bad — in fact, many of them can be quite attractive. The most important thing is to make sure you’re comfortable with the clarity characteristics of your diamond before you purchase it.

In addition to deciding on the clarity of a diamond, experts will also look at its color and carat weight. These factors are often used as a benchmark for prices, and will help shoppers understand if they’re buying a good deal on their diamond.

Unlike mined diamonds, which are forged in the Earth’s bowels by extreme pressure and heat, lab grown diamonds are created under controlled conditions inside a laboratory. This is a process that can take a few weeks, but mimics the natural process of growing diamonds in the Earth’s bowels over hundreds of years.


When we think about diamonds, we typically think of them in terms of their color. White diamonds are generally considered colorless, but there are a range of shades and nuances in between that we refer to as fancy-colored diamonds. Fancy-colored diamonds come in a variety of colors, including yellow, pink, blue, and many more.

For those looking to avoid the color associated with mined diamonds, lab grown diamonds offer an alternative that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Unlike mined diamonds, which are created by natural processes that take millions of years underground and use the natural heat and pressure of the earth’s surface, laboratory-grown diamonds can be produced in a matter of weeks at a fraction of the cost.

During the diamond-growing process, laboratory-grown diamonds are made in controlled conditions that mimic natural growth. These methods include high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD).

In HPHT lab-grown diamonds, the crystallization process is based on an imitative natural process, while CVD lab-grown diamonds grow by using carbon-containing gasses to form a plasma cloud that attaches to a diamond plate. The result is a rough diamond that is ready for cutting and polishing within weeks.

Although the lab-grown diamond industry has been growing quickly and is a relatively new one, it’s not a replacement for natural diamonds. Rather, it is a different option that can be used in many applications, including jewelery and industrial uses.

The main concern with lab-grown diamonds is their impact on the environment. Some companies promote their stones as sustainable, but this can be difficult to substantiate.

Another key factor is the source of the raw material. Some companies are working to develop a system that allows for the production of lab-grown diamonds that are not dependent on imported raw materials, which could help reduce their environmental impact.

Some of these companies even have their own farms, which would provide much-needed income to local communities and increase their sustainability. However, the cost of producing these diamonds is still relatively high, as the raw materials are still expensive and energy prices are rising.

Carat Weight

Depending on the manufacturer, raw lab grown diamonds can come in a wide range of carat weights. These can be as small as 1 carat, or as large as 7 carats.

A diamond’s carat weight is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a stone. It can make a huge difference in how much you pay for it, and it’s important to know what you’re getting before you make your final decision.

Another thing to keep in mind is that there are no hard and fast rules about how a lab-grown diamond will compare to a naturally mined diamond. This means that the price will be different from retailer to retailer, and it will depend on the quality of the lab-grown diamond.

If you’re looking for an affordable, sustainable, ethically-sourced, and environmentally friendly option, lab-grown diamonds could be the answer for you! They’re a popular choice for people who want to support a greener future, or for those who just like to save money.

The cost of raw lab grown diamonds has been falling rapidly over the past two years as they’ve become more widely available. This is because the technology to create these diamonds is becoming more widespread and cheaper, which has led to lower prices.

However, the price of raw lab grown diamonds is still relatively high compared to natural mined diamonds. This is because the manufacturing process requires a lot of energy, which can create a lot of carbon emissions.

In addition, there is some uncertainty about how long it will take for the value of these lab created diamonds to increase, which can lead to significant fluctuations in price. This can be a downside for those who aren’t particularly concerned about the environment or sustainability.

The carat weight of raw lab grown diamonds isn’t that important, though. They’re incredibly similar to the diamonds that nature creates, and you can find them in the same sizes as natural diamonds. This makes them a great option for people who are on a budget, but still want a diamond that is beautiful and unique.

Raw Lab Grown Diamonds