Artificial Diamonds For Sale

Artificial Diamonds For Sale

If you’re looking to buy an engagement ring or fine jewelry piece that’s ethical and sustainable, lab-created diamonds may be the perfect choice for you. They are available in an array of sizes and shapes, making them the ideal alternative to traditional natural diamonds.

They also come at a lower price point, making them a good choice for people on a budget. However, it is important to note that they have little resale value, so you might not get much back when you sell your ring later on.


The price of artificial diamonds for sale is a complex matter that can vary widely between jewelers and sellers. It depends on the quality of the diamond, the cut and the clarity. It also depends on the origin of the diamond. If a seller is not sure, he should ask to see the authentication certificate of the product he is selling.

While lab-created diamonds are becoming more popular, their price is still a big drawback for consumers. The cost of a natural diamond can range from $2,500 to $18,000 for a one-carat gem, depending on its size and color.

However, lab-grown diamonds can be less expensive than their natural counterparts and can be cut into all of the shapes you could want. They can even be made in exotic colors that you would not normally find in a mined diamond.

Because they are not created naturally, lab-created diamonds are more ethically and environmentally friendly than natural diamonds. They do not require mining, which can have a negative impact on the environment and local communities.

When buying a lab-grown diamond, it is important to shop with reputable jewelry stores. These stores often carry a wide variety of sizes and shapes, which makes it easy to compare them.

These online stores also usually offer magnified photos and 360-degree virtual tours, which allow you to see the diamond’s internal details without actually seeing it in person. This allows you to make an informed decision about which stone is right for you.

Some of these online stores also offer free shipping on their inventory, which can help you save money. This is especially helpful if you are considering a larger ring or piece of jewelry that requires multiple pieces of jewelry to be shipped together.

The price of a synthetic diamond is largely determined by its rarity and demand. If a large number of people desire a particular color, cut or clarity grade, it can drive the price up significantly.

For example, a 1.33ct natural round diamond can cost $3,800, while the same size lab-created diamond can cost less than half that amount.


When it comes to artificial diamonds for sale, clarity is a key factor. While cut and color are arguably the most important factors, the clarity of the diamond can make or break its appearance.

A diamond’s clarity is a grading system that measures the number and size of inclusions or blemishes present in the stone. These imperfections can range from tiny specks (inclusions) to larger defects that are not visible to the naked eye.

Clarity grading is a complex process that involves magnifying diamonds up to 10 times under the microscope. The resulting plot of the diamond shows the location and type of flaws. However, the actual visibility of these imperfections can differ greatly between stones. This means that two diamonds with identical plots may have different clarity grades.

One of the most common types of diamond inclusions is a needle inclusion, which looks like tiny cracks on the surface of the diamond. Another is a feather inclusion, which looks similar to a needle but has cracks from top to bottom.

Depending on the size and position of an inclusion, it can cause the diamond to appear slightly cloudy or hazy. In addition, certain imperfections can cause the diamond to appear yellowish or brownish in color.

If you are looking for a diamond with the highest clarity possible, consider an IF or VVS grade. These are considered the best clarity options for lab created diamonds and are incredibly rare, but they can be pricey.

While IF and VVS diamonds are considered to be the highest quality lab-created diamonds, there are also many other great lab diamonds for sale that come in lower clarity grades. These include VS1 and VS2 diamonds.

As with natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds vary in their clarity based on the specific growth method and how the diamond is grown. This can lead to a variety of inclusions and blemishes, which makes it harder for gemologists to accurately grade the clarity of the diamond.

Inclusions in lab-grown diamonds are very similar to those found in mined diamonds. They can be difficult to spot under magnification or they can be very obvious to the naked eye. This is why it is important to have your diamond professionally inspected before you purchase it.


Man-made diamonds are created in a laboratory environment using advanced technology. Scientists begin with a diamond seed – a small sliver of carbon crystals – and expose it to high temperature and pressure until it forms a larger rough diamond crystal. The results are diamonds with essentially the same chemical composition, crystal structure, optical and physical properties as naturally occurring diamonds.

But the process isn’t without its drawbacks, according to Harwick. Lab-grown diamonds aren’t as hard as mined diamonds and are more susceptible to flaws, like inclusions (fractures or breaks within the stone). They also are less likely to exhibit fire, scintillation or sparkle.

The price of lab-grown diamonds can be 20-40% lower than mined diamonds, due to a shorter supply chain. However, they won’t hold their value as well. Generally, natural diamonds have better resale value because there’s a limited supply.

There are two different ways to produce lab-grown diamonds: HPHT and chemical vapor deposition, depending on the process used by the manufacturer. The former method requires the use of extreme heat and pressure, while the latter is a less expensive way to produce diamonds.

In addition to the difference in process, lab-grown diamonds are graded differently than natural ones. They are evaluated on descriptive ranges rather than the specific grades used for natural diamonds. This can make it easier to distinguish lab-grown diamonds from natural ones, says GIA.

Moreover, the girdle of man-made diamonds is laser inscribed with a report number and a statement that it’s laboratory-grown. GIA, for example, does this for every lab-grown diamond identified in its labs, says Harwick.

The color of lab-grown diamonds is similar to that of natural diamonds, but it can vary. Most are colorless, near-colorless or light to dark yellow, but they can be blue, pink red or green.

They can be treated with color enhancing treatments to improve their appearance. In addition, a diamond can be treated to change its clarity or sparkle.

While you can’t tell a man-made diamond from a natural one with your naked eye, a trained gemologist can. And if you want to be extra sure, you can purchase a Synthetic Diamond Grading Report from GIA.


In an ideal world, you want to purchase a piece of jewelry that has a minimal environmental impact. That is why sustainable and eco-friendly products are becoming more popular. One of the best ways to achieve that is to invest in diamonds that are crafted with a conscious effort to lower their carbon footprint.

Sustainability is a term that refers to the ability of a product to remain in production for a long period of time, without compromising the quality of its materials or harming the environment. It is a more comprehensive term than just environmental conservation, as it also entails a social and economic component.

The diamond industry is no exception to this rule. The sourcing of diamonds can have a huge impact on the environment, and some companies aren’t transparent about the process or the effects it has on local communities.

For example, diamond mines can cause serious damage to the environment, including air pollution, land destruction, and water contamination. In addition to this, the mining process requires large amounts of energy, which causes carbon emissions that contribute to climate change.

Luckily, there is an alternative to mined diamonds that is gaining popularity: lab-grown diamonds. These diamonds are created in a laboratory using the same high pressure, heat, and chemical conditions that are necessary for natural diamonds to be formed.

They’re a great option for people who want to buy diamonds for someone but are concerned about the environmental impacts of natural diamond mining. This is because the process is much more eco-friendly than traditional diamond mining.

Another advantage of lab-grown diamonds is that they are more affordable than naturally mined stones. They cost about 10% to 30% less than natural diamonds, so you can get a larger stone or upgrade your clarity and color without breaking the bank.

However, the downside to lab-grown diamonds is that they use a lot of energy, often powered by coal-fired plants. Some manufacturers are working to reduce their carbon footprint by changing their production processes or purchasing carbon offsets.

Artificial Diamonds For Sale