Are Created Diamonds the Same As Natural Diamonds?

Are Created Diamonds the Same As Natural Diamonds?

Are Created Diamonds the Same As Natural Diamonds?

created diamonds

Created diamonds are lab-grown gems. This is a controlled technological process that produces diamonds with the exact chemical composition and structure of naturally formed diamonds. These gems share the same optical and chemical properties. But do they have the same value? Let’s take a closer look. What are the differences between naturally formed diamonds and created diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are a more environmentally friendly alternative to diamonds from the ground. They are made in a controlled environment and are fully monitored. Some jewelers have decided to sell both types of diamonds as they believe it is important to offer customers a choice. However, you can also find fake diamond alternatives, such as cubic zirconia, that can be difficult to tell apart from real diamonds. Another major advantage of lab-grown diamonds is that they are ethically produced – unlike diamonds from mines that threaten the environment.

The price of lab-grown diamonds has fallen significantly in the past several years. However, you should be aware that the resale value of these stones does not match that of natural diamonds. As with any new technology, they start out costlier, but as they become more streamlined, they become cheaper. In the future, they may become extremely affordable. Another major advantage of lab-grown diamonds is their availability. Unlike natural diamonds, they are not finite and have a very high supply.

The process used to create lab-grown diamonds is very similar to the process used to create natural diamonds. High-Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) methods are used. These methods are able to duplicate the formation process that the earth uses to create diamonds.

The diamond’s cut is one of the most important qualities that determine its value, and a good cut can make a lab-grown diamond sparkle. As a result, these diamonds are the best option for anyone who wants a diamond with the best possible quality. It is important to note that a lab-grown diamond may have a blue tint. This is a result of trace amounts of the mineral boron, which is used to clean the growing chambers. Removal of this element is expensive and time-consuming.

The popularity of lab-grown diamonds has increased over the past few years. This is partly because of the increasing cost of natural diamonds and their transparency. This also contributes to the lower price of these stones. Some jewellers are also starting to sell lab-grown diamonds.


HPHT created diamonds are man-made diamonds that mimic the characteristics of diamonds found in nature. The HPHT method creates diamonds by heating metal to high temperatures and applying pressure. The pressure causes the metal to melt, releasing carbon. The metal is then cooled. As the metal cools, it attracts “free” carbon atoms, which then build diamonds on its surface. This process can continue until the metal becomes depleted of carbon. In either case, most of the initial carbon will crystallize into a diamond.

HPHT created diamonds are more commonly VVS or SI clarity and fall in the D to H color range. They may also contain metallic inclusions. These inclusions can’t be detected without a professional. However, these diamonds are beautiful and are popular enough to be used in jewelry. These two methods are similar in their appearance and are comparable to each other.

The process of diamond synthesis has been around for decades. General Electric was one of the first companies to successfully grow a crystal in the 1950s and this method has been continuously improved over the last six decades. CVD synthetics, on the other hand, are a relative newcomer to the diamond world. They have gained worldwide attention in the 1980s, but only in the last twenty years have they become a practical option for commercial production.

HPHT created diamonds are made from a tiny diamond seed, which is buried in a solution of metal-based catalyst and graphite. The seed is heated to high temperatures and then the carbon melts to form a diamond around it. This process is then cooled to create the final diamond. The HPHT process is used to create diamonds for both jewelry and industrial applications.

HPHT created diamonds use 500 to 750 kWh of energy to produce one carat of diamond. This amount of energy is enough to power a large city for a full year. That’s comparable to the energy consumption of Atlanta, Georgia.


MiaDonna is an ethical jewelry company that offers diamond jewelry made from lab-grown diamonds. Founded 15 years ago, the company’s mission is to provide real diamonds at a fraction of the cost. By using lab-grown diamonds, MiaDonna avoids conflict and destructive mining.

The company’s mission is to offer jewelry made from diamonds that were not mined, and that supports the communities where these diamonds are mined. The company also donates 5% of its profits to these communities. And with each transaction, the company also plants a tree with One Tree Planted.

Diamond mining is a major problem for the environment. Mining diamonds requires the exploitation of children and destruction of ecosystems. This is why MiaDonna’s engagement rings are conflict-free. The company also donates a portion of its proceeds to the Greener Diamond charity foundation.

MiaDonna Lab-Grown Diamonds are virtually identical to earth-mined diamonds, but are 40% cheaper. MiaDonna creates its diamonds using a process called Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). It is a process that produces larger and colorless diamonds. This process also produces diamonds that are more consistent.

MiaDonna is one of the few companies that offers conflict-free diamonds. Its diamonds are similar to mined ones, but come from labs that are free of conflict. MiaDonna also offers conflict-free diamonds that cost thirty to forty percent less than mined diamonds. Moreover, MiaDonna also offers a low-cost option called the Diamond Hybrid, which is made up of a crystal core and a lab-grown diamond on the outer layer. This diamond is available in an extensive range of carat sizes and shapes.

Clean Origin

A company called Clean Origin for created diamonds makes buying diamonds online as safe as buying any other product online. They offer transparent information, customer service that answers any questions and a 100-day hassle-free return policy. They are also dedicated to changing the public’s opinion of created diamonds.

Diamonds have a reputation for being dirty, and Clean Origin aims to change that by making them clean. Compared to natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are almost identical to those found in mines. In fact, a recent study by MVI Marketing found that almost seventy percent of millennials would consider purchasing a lab-grown diamond if given the option. As more consumers become aware of the ethical issues associated with diamonds, this trend will continue to grow.

Clean Origin has a variety of diamond designs for engagement rings. Its catalog features over 300 engagement rings, ranging in metal types and diamond shapes. The catalogue also offers custom options. One such ring is the Marseille Solitaire Ring, which comes with a tulip motif. It’s compatible with stones weighing from 0.5 to 2.55 carats. Another ring in the Precision Collection from Clean Origin features 14 lab-grown diamonds. They are one-eighth of a carat weight each.

If you want a diamond without the mess and controversy surrounding its origin, it’s better to purchase lab-grown diamonds from a reputable source. These diamonds have the same chemical and physical properties as natural diamonds, and are ethically sourced. Additionally, they cost twenty to fifty percent less than natural diamonds.

As the leading online retailer of ethical lab-grown diamonds, Clean Origin offers white glove service to consumers. These diamonds are produced in controlled environments, using the same technology and processes used to produce natural diamonds. These diamonds undergo the same certification and grading processes as mined diamonds.

Customers have also given Clean Origin high ratings on social media. On Facebook, they rate the brand 4.8/5 stars. Their reviews include photos of stunning rings and praise for the smooth customer service interactions. Overall, Clean Origin offers beautiful diamond jewelry at reasonable prices.

Are Created Diamonds the Same As Natural Diamonds?