Factors That Influence the CVD Diamond Price

Factors That Influence the CVD Diamond Price

Factors That Influence the CVD Diamond Price

cvd diamond price

There are many factors that influence the CVD diamond price. These factors include the carat size, cut and grade. Certification and clarity are also important, which can make a diamond more expensive. A good place to start is to look at the price per carat. This will help you determine whether the diamond you want is within your price range.

Cost per carat

One of the most significant differences between a CVD diamond and a naturally mined diamond is cost. A CVD diamond usually costs around 20%-30% less than its natural counterpart. In some cases, it can even cost the same as a 1.5-carat mined diamond. This is due to different factors, including price manipulation and supply chains.

The process of manufacturing a CVD diamond requires the use of electricity, which is bad for the environment. A single carat of lab-grown diamond consumes about 250 million joules of electricity versus 538.5 million for a naturally mined diamond. Fortunately, Diamond Foundry’s lab-grown diamonds are made with 100% renewable energy.

As the technology improves, the price of a CVD diamond will fall. During the last two years, CVD diamonds have fallen as much as 50%. This is a big discount compared to natural diamonds. However, it remains unclear if it will continue to drop further. Ultimately, a lower price for a CVD diamond may make them more affordable for consumers.

Another key factor determining the price of lab-grown diamonds is the carat weight. Although natural diamonds are more expensive than synthetic ones, synthetic diamonds often have fewer imperfections. Moreover, because they are created under high pressure and temperatures, lab-grown diamonds are often more consistent. A natural diamond, on the other hand, will typically have more weight variations.

Ultimately, the choice is up to the consumer. While many consumers may find it difficult to accept man-made diamonds, the increasing number of customers indicate that the consumer market will eventually embrace these diamonds. However, this will create a supply gap. While the market for man-made diamonds is likely to remain divided for a while, the industry will continue to evolve and improve.


CVD diamonds are lab-grown stones created using high temperature and pressure. These diamonds often contain metallic inclusions that are visible under magnification. They can also contain black spots or graphite inclusions. Any substance that affects the free passage of light through a diamond is classified as inclusions. All diamonds are graded by the same system, which involves examining each stone under 10X magnification and noting the number of inclusions.

When it comes to purchasing a diamond, it is important to determine its purity, cut, and color. Diamonds have a hardness of ten, making them an ideal choice for engagement rings or other sentimental jewellery. These diamonds are also fairly affordable, making them a viable option for many people.

Color grade is determined by the diamond’s atomic structure, including stress lines and internal defects. Another important criterion for the grading of CVD diamonds is grainy birefringence patterns. Natural diamonds have low interference color and less abnormal birefringence than synthetic diamonds of the same color grade.

CVD diamonds can be used in many applications. These diamonds are suitable for high-precision laser applications, advanced optical devices, and other advanced technologies. They are also perfect for aesthetics, radiation detection, and homeland security. They also have high thermal conductivity and have a wide optical transmission window.

CVD diamonds can also be colorless. However, only about 2% of natural gem diamonds are colorless. The majority of these diamonds are gray or brown in color. During the process of CVD diamond manufacturing, unwanted colors are removed by HPHT annealing. However, some as-grown untreated “colorless” diamonds display color instability when exposed to UV light. This color change can be reversed by exposure to sunlight.


If you’re looking for a diamond with a unique shape, CVD diamonds may be the way to go. These diamonds are grown by CVD technology in a laboratory and are typically 20%-30% cheaper than diamonds mined from the earth. In addition, because of their conflict-free source, they don’t require earth-mining.

CVD diamonds are produced at high temperatures, and can grow in sizes of up to 6 carats. The process uses microwave plasma to grow gem-grade diamonds at temperatures between 1000 degrees Celsius and 14 kpa. The process can create faceted diamonds up to 6 carats. In the study, eight faceted CVD diamond samples were used, and their color grades ranged from E to K.

Although CVD diamonds are mostly used for technical applications, they may be used in the future as gemstones. With natural diamond sources expected to diminish, CVD diamonds may gain acceptance by consumers. Several companies specialize in CVD diamond production, and some of them even offer specific coating services for jewelry.

Another way to differentiate synthetic diamonds from natural diamonds is by looking at their infrared spectra. A CVD diamond will have defects and impurities. For example, a CVD diamond containing an extended defect caused by the presence of a silicon impurity has a characteristic absorption peak of 737 nanometers.

The rupture of the atomic surface layer occurs at around eight to 10 rings and is approximately 2 nm in thickness. This is in agreement with experimental results. The diamond particle size is similar to that of a natural diamond.


A GIA diamond certificate has four Cs – cut, color, clarity and carat weight. A higher carat weight means a more expensive certificate. Other factors also affect the overall certificate price. These factors are not linear and can vary widely depending on the diamond quality. For example, a red diamond with high color and clarity grades may be far more expensive than a diamond with a lower color grade.

A diamond’s color and clarity grade are subjective. It may be a good idea to send your diamond to more than one grading lab. For example, if your diamond has an E-color grade, it may be worth it to send it to the higher-quality lab that will give you a better grade.

A diamond’s price can be justified through its certificate, so make sure to check the details of the certificate. The certification should explain the characteristics of the stone and justify its price. A certificate that puts more emphasis on the numbers than the diamond deserves is usually not worth the money. Compare the grades listed on the certificate with those provided by other diamond certification institutes. Some laboratories will overstate diamond quality to make a higher price.

Another reputable lab is the International Gemological Institute. This organization was established in Antwerp in 1975 and has since grown to become one of the largest diamond laboratories in the world. Because its price range is cheaper than GIA prices, it is often preferred by diamond sellers. However, these prices are not as appealing to end consumers.

The European Gemological Laboratory is another reputable diamond certification institute. The GIA was founded in 1974, but has several branches worldwide. The European Gemological Laboratory is also known for its scientific approach to diamond grading. They are responsible for the SI3 clarity grade and for developing methods for grading gemstones that don’t weigh a full carat. It is also responsible for the price of diamonds in Europe.


The atomic structure of diamond is very rigid and has very little room for foreign atoms. However, a diamond can have small substitutional defects. These defects can act as electron donors or acceptors. Non-carbon atoms are also found in diamond, and they can affect its properties.

One of the most studied impurities in diamonds is nitrogen. These diamonds are usually yellow in color. Modern MPCVD technology can produce epitaxial layers of diamond with controlled impurity content. Nitrogen is present in CVD diamonds as a gas phase impurity or as a substitutional nitrogen atom. The latter impurity is negatively charged and has significant optical properties. These diamonds are useful for applications such as quantum information processing and high-sensitivity magnetic force measurements.

The addition of nitrogen to the CVD diamond process has several effects. For example, it affects the growth rate of the diamond films. It also alters their morphology. This effect is further enhanced by the use of various C/N source gases. Moreover, the inclusion of nitrogen in CVD diamonds is a major drawback.

The quality of CVD diamonds is usually higher than natural diamonds. Usually, these stones have an “I” grade of clarity. However, there are also some low-quality CVD diamonds. These diamonds are often treated by HPHT. In this process, metals are introduced into the diamond and interfere with its chemical composition and physical properties.

Moreover, there is an important factor to consider when considering the quality of single-crystal diamonds. One of these is the presence of defects in the substrate. These defects can affect the diamond’s morphological properties and cause numerous dislocations in the diamond’s layers. Therefore, it is essential to choose the right substrate for CVD.

Factors That Influence the CVD Diamond Price